轉底爐生產線是一種適用於大批量熱處理生產的設備 ,采用單門進出方式 ,工件放和轉底一同轉動 ,可采用單層或者多層布料方式 ,保護氣氛加熱 ,廣泛適用於離合器齒圈 、螺旋傘齒 、軸承套圈 、齒輪等的熱處理 ,可以實現滲碳 、碳氮共滲 、無氧化加熱 。配和淬火壓床 、淬火水槽 、油槽或鹽槽 ,可實現壓淬 、馬氏體淬火以及貝氏體淬火等工藝 。在汽車零配件製造 、軸承行業等得到廣泛的應用 。
This production line is a kind of equipment suitable for mass heat treatment production. It is designed with a single door access mode, and the workpiece is placed to rotate together with the rotary hearth. It can be configured with single-layer or multi-layer distribution mode to heat under protective atmosphere. It is broadly applicable to the heat treatment of clutch ring gear, spiral bevel gear, bearing ring, gear, etc. It can realize carburizing, carbonitriding, and non-oxidizing heating. With quenching press machine, quenching water tank, oil tank or salt tank, pressure quenching, martensite quenching and bainite quenching can be realized. It is extensively used in automobiles parts manufacturing, bearing industry, etc.